Security firms, fire & rescue personnel and many other public facing workers can benefit from the use of a body worn video device. In today's age of personal data and privacy protection; the rules can often seem intimidating when it comes to recording and storing information on members of the public. Here is a brief overview of the guidelines for the non-police use of body worn video.
- Users should (wherever possible or practical) announce to the subject(s) of an encounter that video and audio recording is taking place using a body worn camera.
- Recordings should commence at the start of any deployment to an incident and should continue uninterrupted until the incident is concluded.
- All recordings must be securely held. Access to recordings should be controlled and only persons having the 'operational need' to view specific incidents may view them.
- All footage recorded with a body worn camera must be retained in accordance with personal data guidelines.
The proper use of body worn video can drastically improve both the safety, performance and attitude of security personnel and the public.